PoBC Reports

Our School Racism Reporting Tool is for staff members in Canadian public, Catholic, and private schools who are aware of incidents of anti-Black racism perpetrated against students, colleagues, or even themselves.

View our findings in our 2021 School Racism Report.

In 2021 Parents of Black Children conducted a needs assessment of our community tobetter understand who we are serving and what their needs are. 

View our full report below. 

The United Parents Project was created with funding by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

The goals of the project were to:

* Support parents in feeling empowered to advocate for their Black children within the education system
* Ensure parents feel supported and know who to call if they have issues or challenges within the education system
* Create a village of support for parents to rely or call on
* Provide access to a systems navigator

The 3 programs included in this project were our Capacity Building Workshop Series, Black Parent Mentorship Group, and Education Systems Navigator.

View our full year 1 report below. 

As part of the United Parents Project, Parents of Black Children launched a Black parent mentorship group as well as our Education Systems Navigation program. 

Key findings and feedback from our first year of operating this program are available in our summary report.

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